Public Speaker
Certified Enneagram Teacher
Deep Coaching Professional
Medical Consultant
Published Author of
Midnight’s All A Glimmer: Poetry, Personality and the Power to See
Thank you for the wonderful and enlightening classes. It has been a while since I have participated
in a class that leads to self awareness and hopefully behavior change for the better.
~ K. Mossman
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Thank you Dr. Van Zino for being the beacon which lights the way in the darkness of our lives.
~ A. Manny, D.O.
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Dr. Van Zino guided me to look deeply within myself to seek comfort and innate wisdom to help me deal with my challenging and changing circumstances. In doing so, she has always treated me with uncommon kindness, dignity, and respect.
~ L. Pasqual
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I really enjoyed and appreciated your class.Your presentation was so very professional, clear, and with great examples. It was inspiring how you helped people think about the topics relating this complex material in understandable ways. I loved being with and sensing your heartful teaching.
~ A. Paquin, Kaui, Hawaii
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Be open to the mystery. Not everything needs sharp lines.
~ Leonardo Di Vinci
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When you stumble and fall, there you find pure gold.
~ Carl Jung, M.D.
About me and my work
I am a physician, teacher, and coach. My deepest desire is to bring my gift of connecting with people to my work helping individuals gain insight and understanding into their capacity for healing and positive change.
Whereas for many years I was the primary care doc who helped to fix a problem, now, as partner and guide, I bring my years of experience and my love of working with the Enneagram to my work with audiences and individuals.
I grew up in rural New Jersey where my love of nature grew into a fascination with life’s diversity and potential for change and renewal. After many travels and adventures as a teen, I studied Science and Literature at Arizona State University and graduated with highest honors being named top female scholar of my class.
At Stanford Medical School I embraced both the exciting new medical advances as well as my work directly with patients. My postgraduate work convinced me of the clinical direction of my path.
My first practice as an old fashioned family doctor taught me the art of medicine. My subsequent years of primary care practice in Pleasanton, CA gave me the experience and skills to be a physician caring for the whole patient.
In 2007 I closed my beloved practice and have spent these past years exploring new ways in which to bring my knowledge and passion as a healer and teacher to others. Throughout my career I have observed a deep longing as individuals search for a deeper meaning in their lives, both personal and professional. How to meet this need led me to my current work as an author, speaker, teacher, consultant, and coach.
In 2012 I completed Deep Coaching training which taught me coaching skills emphasizing Awareness and using the Enneagram as a powerful framework with which to gain insight into personalty’s grip on behavior. I studied extensively with the Enneagram Institute becoming, in 2014, a Certified ‘with Honors’ Enneagram Teacher. I have come to see the Enneagram as the simplest, clearest, and most useful tool I have ever used when working with people. As a map guiding an individual to deeper insights into ‘how they tick,’ the Enneagram offers a profound body of wisdom into understanding self as well as others.
While I continue to work with patients Consulting on up to date medical issues, my consultations focus on an exploration into the impact and relationship of a person’s medical challenge in their lives.
As I continue to Speak to audiences large and small and Teach the Enneagram as well as other topics, I endeavor to share my knowledge and insights into human behavior, for we can always grow and evolve into a far better version of ourselves. It is surely what life is for.
One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.
~ Robert Frost, from Birches

This book is a rich and varied collection of poems, an anthology of wisdom and beauty. These poems — ancient to modern; a few lines to many; serious to funny — are organized around nine core personality types as described by the Enneagram, an ancient map of transformation melded with modern psychology.
Dr. Van Zino brings together her long experience of working with people as a family doctor, teacher and coach with her love of literature, helping others to explore the rich potential for healing and growth inherent in each of us.
This inviting volume is enriched with humor, storytelling, and historical bits to entertain, enlighten and inspire. It will appeal to those new to poetry as well as those already familiar and to everyone wishing to know themselves at a deeper level.
Mary Em Wallace Teaching Awards for Excellence in Teaching from Stanford University
Awarded to Dr. Van Zino by Stanford University for the Physicians Assistant (PA) Classes of 2013 and 2017